Colin is 6'7" and such a great young man! He was a tropper as most guys are when it comes to Senior Pictures. Mom ya gotta know they love you cause they are doing it for you!
Wow I am so busy with High School seniors. I am so fortunate so have such wonderful Young men and women coming to my studio. Such incredible kids!!! Ashley plays the flute and I got to do a pose I've been wanting to do. The Jethro Tull pose. If you can remember him then you know exactly how old I am... :)
You are not going to want to miss this special. I'm offering something I've never offered before. My special will be in my newsletter going to very soon. If you haven't subscribed yet, you may want to do that now! Newsletter subscribers will be the only ones offered this special. Just enter your email in the black box to the right and you'll be all signed up and ready to go.
More seniors to follow..... Plus the Greenriver Volleyball team as you never seen then before!!!
Can you say gorgeous couple? I can and I was able to photograph their formal wedding portraits. They were a lot of fun and we came away with some stunning images. I'm almost done Jessie and then we'll all get together.
Axie, Stephanie and I had the best sunset Seattle has seen all summer. It couldn't have been more perfect. Axie goes to Skyline High School and was willing to do almost anything....but NOT get in the water right Axie? Thanks for being such a tropper. Here are a few images and I'm almost done proofing everything!
Kate is my first senior from Kentlake High School. Yup the Northwest has the most beautiful young women! We still have the sunset to catch to make this senior session complete but here is a taste of our session. Enjoy Kate and pray for good weather this Friday!!
I haven't posted any pictures from the Kent Cornucopia fair yet because I've been so busy with seniors. Here are some images, not all but just a few. The children were so cute and just loved getting all dressed up and making pretend. Storybook sessions are so much fun because the children believe! So therefore it IS real. Enjoy!
Hey everyone! I've had to change the way you subscribe to my blog. I'm afraid I'm going to lose everyone that signed up because there isn't a way for me to have access to those on the subscription list. Please take the time to re-subscibe to this blog. I don't want to lose you!!! :) Have a great day!
It hasn't rained in 4 days!!! I'm so excited with about 1 million other people. Maybe we will have summer now. My friends from Denmark are visiting this week and we've done all the tourist things. I'm really enjoying being a tourist. Of course I've had to also bring my camera :) I'll be posting more images but here is one we took at the Ballard Locks. I saw this incredible light and made them run up to get into it.