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Sunday, October 18, 2009

a little halloween fun- seattle baby photography

I squeezed a few minutes with Liam today as he modeled a couple of halloween costumes. I'm not biased I promise!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

special sitting-Kent Washington Family photographer

While getting for a senior shoot this evening, my daughter and grandson sat for me. I think it is a pretty cute shot of two people I love very much!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

lots-o-seniors-Kent-Washington-Senior Photographer

We are in time warp mode at the studio trying to get all the seniors done in time for their yearbook photos to be turned in. What a great group of young adults I had this year. They amaze me...I have so much faith with this generation! Go 2010

Sunday, October 11, 2009

my grandson Liam-Seattle Baby Photographer

My daughter came out to help me get caught up with photography this week and brought my grandson with her. We had just a moment and slipped into the studio for a quick session. Here is baby Liam....

Friday, October 09, 2009

My time In Idaho-Seattle Senior and Family Photographer

I was so thrilled to attend a seminar for photographers this past week in Idaho. We went to the Grand Tetons one day and the very next we took a group of people to Montana to be photographed. Here are a few of the 100's of images I took while I was there. It was fantastic!! Can't wait to get going on my new ideas for 2011 seniors.... I'll be posting more soon! I'm also working on a new blog and website so stay tuned for more information on that! Giddyup!