We are in time warp mode at the studio trying to get all the seniors done in time for their yearbook photos to be turned in. What a great group of young adults I had this year. They amaze me...I have so much faith with this generation! Go 2010
My daughter came out to help me get caught up with photography this week and brought my grandson with her. We had just a moment and slipped into the studio for a quick session. Here is baby Liam....
I was so thrilled to attend a seminar for photographers this past week in Idaho. We went to the Grand Tetons one day and the very next we took a group of people to Montana to be photographed. Here are a few of the 100's of images I took while I was there. It was fantastic!! Can't wait to get going on my new ideas for 2011 seniors.... I'll be posting more soon! I'm also working on a new blog and website so stay tuned for more information on that! Giddyup!