I can't say enough how exciting this past year has been for my photography. I've been open just a little over a year and I've grown so much faster than I ever thought or dreamed I would. I've met fantastic people in both clients and fellow photographers. My family has been so supportive (well the boys DO draw a line in how much they want to sit for me) and have really helped to make this happen.
Over the next year I have some very exciting plans. The first of which I can share now!!! I will be starting my Story Book Fine Art Portraiture in March. These "Once Upon a Time" images will capture your heart. Right now I am looking for models. I am waiving the creative fee and offering a free portrait in exchange for using the images on the web and in print. So call or email me if you are interested. This offers goes through the end of January and I can only take a limited number of children/teens.
This image is one of our family. We are missing Tiffany and Ricky who are living in Hawaii now. Hmmm..... I feel a strong urge to visit them!